Hi there. Welcome to my space.

I am a UX Architect / UX Designer living in Bern. I've been in the digital world since 1998, conceptualizing and designing digital user interfaces.

My way into the digital world was via a four year apprenticeship as a car mechanic. Probably not the most conventional way 😃 but the right one for me. I would do it exactly the same way again.

Pretty soon after the apprenticeship, the digital world captivated me and I bought a book, "HTML for Dummies" and taught myself HTML programming.

This led to my first job as webmaster. There started my way into the digital world. Today I'm still curious and always happy when I can transform complex requirements into simple UI's and cool user experiences.



3013 Bern
Email: daniel@ehrensperger.be

© Daniel Ehrensperger 2023
UX Architect / UX Designer


Website built with 💛
